We offer a broad range of legal and notary legal services.
Please call to make an appointment for a personal consultation.
Our law firm
We have been working together in this constellation and at this location in Berlin Mitte since 2006. Ms Bieniok retired from the firm in 2012 and is no longer active in the field. Our legal practice focuses on civil and commercial Law especially contract Law and in particular building contract Law and Property Law including home Ownership and tenancy Law.
Public notary
Our notary office covers the entire spectrum of legal transactions that require notarisation, but we focus chiefly on Property Law including Property Development Law and corporate Law. We set high standards for the quality of our contract design and are proud of the speed with which we process notarial work.
Our Lawyers and Notaries
Unsere Anwälte und Notare verfügen über hervorragendes Fachwissen und arbeiten mit einem motivierten Team von Mitarbeitern engagiert an der Lösung der anvertrauten Fälle.
About us